Introduction to Intensive Care

FICMI Introduction to Intensive Care Course

In Summer 2021, the JFICMI held an online introduction to ICU course ran over several weeks in a virtual format. The course was led by Dr Carrie Muphy and Dr Bryan Reidy in conjunction with the education comittee of JFICMI. The lectures were delivered by consultants and advanced trainees in intensive care from several units across the country. The course was aimed at those NCHDs beginning their time in the intensive care unit and starting their on call responsibilities. The videos of the lectures are available below.


– Bryan Reidy, JFICMI Fellow, MMUH

– Brian Marsh, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, MMUH


– Parvan Parvonov, JFICMI Fellow, SVUH

– Andrew Westbrook, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, SVUH


– Andrew Neill, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, MMUH


– Pierce Geoghegan, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, Beaumont


– Jonathon Roddy, JFICMI Fellow, SJH

– Enda O’Connor, Consutlant in Intensive Care Medicine, SJH